HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Neighbors in one southeast side subdivision say they've had it with speeders and they want drivers to slow down on their streets.
They say some drivers have lost control, tearing down the roads and damaging property. But their plans to get road humps on some of their streets has hit a snag.
It's happening off Glenloch near Bellfort in the historical neighborhood of Glenloch Valley. But along with all the history is coming a lot of traffic, with cars speeding up and down without anything to stop them.
There are two sides of Glenloch Drive, one with speed bumps that have been there for years, and on the other side of Bellfort, there's another that's speed-bump free. It has the speeding cars to prove it. And then there's the property damage.
"We looked out the window and saw our tree scattered all over the front lawn," homeowner Lorena Gomez said.
On Monday, the Gomez family lost driveway landscaping to a speeding car that overshot the curve in front of their home, but they've seen worse.
"Our neighbor next door got crashed in all the way into his living room," she said.
These are a few of the mishaps in the past year: In one a car ran into a house, taking out windows and brick siding. A $40,000 loss was reported at another house. And in the past couple of months, a car took out a city street light pole.
All happened on the same stretch of Glenloch. Speeding cars cut through traffic, homeowners believe, to an apartment complex at the end of the street.
The residents petitioned the city for speed bumps. They thought the problem was solved but things changed.
"They were telling us basically it was funding is everything that we've been told; everything we've understood was that it was basically related to funding," homeowner and realtor Robert Searcy said.
Funding is always a problem, but in this case, the city of Houston Public Works Department says it's because so many neighborhoods want speed bumps and Glenloch Drive is two years down the list.
"There are other communities in the city of Houston that are farther along in the process than this community is," Public Works spokesman Alvin Wright said.
That leaves Glenloch Drive and the Gomez family for now just as we found them, nervous about being in their front yard, even their home.
"You hear it all the time on the news that cars crash into people's houses while they're there and that's our number one concern," homeowner Andreas Gomez said.
The Gomez family is replacing the tree that was taken out on Monday, but they're also considering moving in some very large landscape to protect their yard and family.
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local, deborah wrigley
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